Engineering Abbreviation

List of Important Engineering Abbreviations

In Engineering we encounter a no. of abbreviations in blogs, textbooks. below we have listed the some of important abbreviations from engineering for your reference,

ACAlternate Current
ANSIAmerican National standards Institute
ASMEAmerican society of Mechanical Engineers
CRCACold Rolled Cold Annealed
CSCarbon steel
DCDirect Current
F&GFire and gas
FMFactory Mutual
GAGeneral Arrangement
IPIngress Protection
ISIndian Standard
LEDlight Emitting Diode
LOAELLowest Observable adverse effect level
LPCLoss Prevention Council
NFPANational Fire protection association
NOAELNo observable adverse effect level
OEMOriginal Equipment manufacturer
P&IDPiping and Instrumentation diagram
PESOPetroleum explosive safety organization (Formerly know as CCOE)
PFDProcess Flow diagram
PMSpiping material specification
PVCPoly Vinyl Chloride
RCCReinforce cement concrete
SRRSatellite rack room
SMPVstatic and mobile pressure vessel
TACTariff Advisory Committee
ULUnderwriters laboratory
UPSUninterrupted power supply
Vdsverband der sachversicherer
lpmLiters per minute
SSStainless Steel
Engineering Abbreviations List

In addition to above let us know the which engineering abbreviations are most used ?

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