
How to Convert mole fraction to PPM

Step 1 :

we have mol fraction, next step is to calculate individual moles by multiplying individual mol % by total no. of moles in stream.

Moles of A = mol fraction of A * Total Moles of stream

calculate moles for each component in the stream.

Step -2 :

now we have moles of each component in the stream next step is to calculate weight of each component by multiplying individual moles by molecular weight

weight of A = moles of A * molecular weight of A

calculate weight for each component in the stream.

Step 3 :

now we have weight of each component in the stream, next step to calculate weight % of each component by follwoing

Wt% of A : weight of A / total Weight of stream.

Step – 4

by using following formula we can calculate ppm from wt%

ppm = wt% * 10^4

if we have wt% fraction then,

ppm = wt fraction * 10^6

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